The most detailed website for the information, facts, history and variations of Dinky Toy’s TV, Film, Space and Specials Models. Including all the Gerry Anderson toys as well as many prototypes, pre-production and colour trials.

If there are any errors or omissions let me know!


2 thoughts on “DINKY TV AND SPACE

  1. I discovered your blog today and am stunned at how comprehensive and accurate it is. In the course of trying to catalogue my own modest collection I have been trying to create a similar definitive list of variations but now feel you have already done this. I have a few variations not listed and a few questions … I would be really keen to communicate with you if you were interested? Please get in touch. Thanks, Matthew

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Matthew, Thank you very much for your kind comments and for providing additional information and images to enhance this site. Hopefully other experts will also help and improve the information provided here and correct any errors or inaccuracies. Cheers Dick

    Liked by 1 person

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